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 Oggetto del messaggio: Ancora Alonso su Rossi..... :-D :lol:
MessaggioInviato: lun 06 mar, 2006 9:35 am 
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Moderatore Vulcanico

Iscritto il: lun 06 set, 2004 12:51 pm
Messaggi: 741
Da spasso....
Da MotoGpNews ( :-D , guardate anche le note con gli asterischi....):

Formula One bigmouth Fernando Alonso has publicly belittled the excellent efforts of Valentino Rossi in F1 and has foolishly claimed that he could do just as well in MotoGP.

Frightened. Is Alonso already mentally beaten by Rossi?

Alonso, who won the 2005 F1 championship mainly thanks to Raikkonen's car breaking down every other race, made his comments to the BBC - comments that have already been watered down several times to avoid the Spaniard looking a bigger tit.
The original statement was rumoured to have been the following:-

"I'm glad that Ferrari used Rossi because that means they have lost valuable time preparing the cars for the stupid show they put on.

"Let him come and drive. It's good because there will be more attention, even though that attention should really be on the world champion - me. Until we see him race and not ponce about with his daft hair we won't know his true potential, but it will be very difficult for him to beat someone as good as me, so he shouldn't bother. He should stay in his minority sport and not bother superstars like myself.

"I could start riding a motorbike and, after three days training win the world championship. But do you hear me banging on about it? What Rossi did was average and people should focus more on me*".

Alonso's comments have sparked bemusement and irritation among the general public many of whom think the Spaniard is scared of Rossi.
"I think he's 60% scared and 60% an idiot-head" stated one innumerate MotoGP fan "He's obviously scared of Rossi showing him up and is trying to act all big and clever. I've never liked him or his eyebrows and will be cheering on 'good ol'Schumy' this year to take back the F1 crown that rightly belongs to the big chinned Kraut."

Despite his 'big man' comments most insiders within both F1 and MotoGP believe that Alonso is already being out psyched by Rossi's top-notch mind games.
"We've all seen Rossi mentally crush Gibernau in MotoGP" stated a respected F1 expert** "Now he's doing the same to Alonso and Alonso is panicking like a small child in a zombie infested graveyard. Maybe it's his basil odour that upsets the Spanish so much?"

Rossi is expected to relocate to F1 next season on promptly kick Alonso's sorry arse.


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MessaggioInviato: lun 06 mar, 2006 9:59 am 
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MessaggioInviato: lun 06 mar, 2006 10:08 am 
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MessaggioInviato: lun 06 mar, 2006 10:36 am 
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MessaggioInviato: lun 06 mar, 2006 10:39 am 
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Wanted Dead or Alive
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Iscritto il: ven 18 nov, 2005 9:00 am
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Immagine donano vita e colpiscono al centro anche i rumori se suonano a tempo

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