Mi diverto a far lavorare un po' lo zio.
Questo e' il regolamento ufficiale della Fim (disponible in inglese ed in francese).
FIM Road Racing World Championship Grand Prix
General Undertakings and Conditions + Sporting Regulations.
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Page 38 of 48
Rule 1.22.2 - Flags Which Convey Information and Instructions
Shown waved at each row of the starting grid, this flag indicates that the start of the race is delayed.
Shown waved at the flag marshal post, this flag indicates that there is a danger ahead. The riders must slow down and be prepared to stop. Overtaking is forbidden up until the point where the green flag is shown.
Any infringement of this rule during a practice session will result in the cancellation of the time of the lap during which the infraction occured. In case of infringement of this rule during the race, the rider must go back the number of positions decided by the Race Direction . The penalty will be first communicated to the team and then a board will be displayed for the rider on the finish line during a maximum of 3 laps. If the rider does not go back after the board has been presented 3 times, he will be penalized by a ride through.
In both cases, further penalties (such as fine - suspension) may also be imposed.
If immediately after having overtaken, the rider realises that he did an infraction, (s) that he has overtaken. In this case, no penalty will be imposed.
(Se, immediatamente dopo aver sorpassato, il pilota si rende conto della infrazione commessa, deve alzare la mano e lasciar passare il pilota(i) che ha in precendenza sorpassato. In questo caso non verra' imposta nessuna penalita').
During the final inspection lap, this flag must be waved at the exact place where the flag marshal will be positioned during the practices, the warm ups and races.
Praticamente, per evitare la penalizzazione e' prescritta la nozione di intenzionalita' (dimostrata nella obbligatoria alzata di mano) nel far ripassare il pilota che si e' sorpassato in regime di bandiere gialle.
Il tutero s'e' dimenticato di alzare la mano, mortacci sua! 10 minuti gli dovevano dare...