8.1 Software and electronics inspection :
8.1.1 Prior to the start of each season the complete electrical system on the car must be examined and all on board and communications software must be inspected by the FIA Technical Department.
The FIA must be notified of any changes prior to the Event at which such changes are intended to be implemented.
8.1.2 All re-programmable microprocessors must have a mechanism that allows the FIA to accurately identify the software version loaded.
8.1.3 All electronic units containing a programmable device, and which are intended for use at an Event, must be presented to the FIA before each Event in order that they can be identified.
8.1.4 All on-car software versions must be registered with the FIA before use.
8.1.5 The FIA must be able to test the operation of any compulsory electronic safety systems at any time during an Event.
8.2 Control electronics :
8.2.1 All components of the engine and gearbox, including clutch, differential and all associated actuators must be controlled by an Electronic Control Unit (ECU) which has been manufactured by an FIA designated supplier to a specification determined by the FIA.
The ECU may only be used with FIA approved software and may only be connected to the control system wiring loom, sensors and actuators in an manner specified by the FIA.
8.2.2 All control sensors, actuators and FIA monitoring sensors will be specified and homologated by the FIA.
Each and every component of the control system will be sealed and uniquely identified and their identities tracked through their life cycle.
These components and units may not be disassembled or modified in any way and seals and identifiers must remain intact and legible.
8.2.3 The control system wiring loom connectivity will be specified by the FIA.
8.2.4 Pneumatic valve pressure may only be controlled via a passive mechanical regulator or from the ECU and its operation will be monitored by the ECU.
8.2.5 The car hydraulic system will be monitored by the ECU.
8.2.6 The ECU will be designed to run from a car system supply voltage of 12V nominal provided by a homologated voltage regulator.
8.3 Start systems :
Any system, the purpose and/or effect of which is to detect when a race start signal is given, is not permitted.
8.4 Data acquisition :
Any data acquisition system, telemetry system or associated sensors additional to those provided by the ECU and ADR must be physically separate and completely isolated from any control electronics with the exception of the primary regulated voltage supply, car system ground and a single communication link to the ECU and ADR.
8.5 Telemetry :
8.5.1 Telemetry systems must operate at frequencies which have been approved by the FIA.
8.5.2 Pit to car telemetry is prohibited.
8.6 Driver controls and displays :
Any electronic modules used for driver information displays and switch inputs must be supplied by an FIA designated supplier to a specification determined by the FIA and be suitably housed by each team.
8.7 Driver radio :
Other than authorised connections to the FIA ECU, any voice radio communication system between car and pits must be stand-alone and must not transmit or receive other data. All such communications must be open and accessible to both the FIA and, where appropriate, broadcasters.
8.8 Accident data recorders (ADR) :
8.8.1 The recorder must be fitted and operated :
- in accordance with the instructions of the FIA ;
- symmetrically about the car centre line and with its top facing upwards ;
- with each of its 12 edges parallel to an axis of the car ;
- less than 50mm above the reference plane ;
- in a position within the cockpit which is readily accessible at all times from within the cockpit without the need to remove skid block or floor;
- in order that the entire unit lies between 40% and 60% of the wheelbase of the car ;
- via anti-vibration mountings giving a clearance of 5mm to all other objects ;
- with its connectors facing forwards ;
- in order that its status light is visible when the driver is seated normally ;
- in order that the download connector is easily accessible when the driver is seated normally and without the need to remove bodywork.
8.8.2 The recorder must be connected to two external 500g accelerometers which are solidly bolted to the survival cell, on the car centre line, using four 4mm bolts. One must be as close to the nominal car centre of gravity as practical and the other as far forward as possible inside the survival cell. The forward accelerometer may be mounted to the underside of the top surface provided it is solidly bolted to a structural part of the survival cell.
8.8.3 The recorder must be powered from a nominally 12V supply such that its internal battery can be recharged at all times when the car’s electronic systems are powered and when the car systems are switched off, but a jump battery or umbilical is connected.
8.8.4 An ADR and two accelerometers must be fitted to every car at all times during an Event and at all tests attended by more than one team.
8.9 Track signal information display :
All cars must be fitted with red, blue and yellow cockpit lights the purpose of which are to give drivers information concerning track signals or conditions. The lights must be LEDs each with a minimum diameter of 5mm and which are fitted in order that they are directly in the driver’s normal line of sight.
Details of the light control system, which must be fitted to every car, may be found in the Appendix to these regulations.
8.10 Medical warning system
In order to give rescue crews an immediate indication of accident severity each car must be fitted with a warning light which is connected to the FIA data logger.
The light must face upwards and be recessed into the top of the survival cell no more than 150mm from the car centre line and the front of the cockpit opening and as near to the clutch disengagement system, as described in Article 9.4, as is practical.
Details of the light and its control system may be found in the Appendix to these regulations.
..... (omissis) ..........
_________________ Lo Zio Tazio
"Io vi daró tutto ... basta che non domandiate nulla!"